Mal told me to
Rules of the game: Post 10 Weird and Random facts about yourself, then at the end of the list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this.
1) I've probably had more medical and mental health assessments performed on me in 17 yrs then most people will have their whole lives. when i was young my mother was convinced there was something wrong with me so they put me on drugs i didnt need so she'd stop bringing me to the hospital. i was on so many drugs i was having psychotic episodes. i think i was about 7 or 8. not fun..
2) when i was like, twelve, i went through this babygoth stage and ALL i listened to was nine inch nails. :D now they make me want to throw up.
3) I think Britney Spears is awesome and i want her to be my friend. Seriously. Same with Nicole Richie and Anna nicole smith. something about being totally drug fucked and brain dead makes them really interesting.
4) My first two girly crushes were Christina Ricci and Ginger spice. Now they're both horribly anorexic and ugly which makes me sad.
5) I love old 90's fads no one even remembers anymore. tamagotchis and sea monkeys and crap like that make me so happy.
6) Virtual pets are my life. I still play neopets after like, five years. @_@
7) One day i WILL rule the world. I have plans. PLANS. Don't underestimate me.
8) I'm an energy drink freak which probably explains why I'm constantly shaking and jumping off the walls like a kid on ritalin.
9) I have a weird sense of humour... morbidly obese people are funny to me.. explosions are funny.. Hitler is funny.. Kirsty alley is hilarious
10) I've done way too many drugs and now my head is a mess. :D
whokilledkenny, AND
taufell :D!
*materialism kicks in*
but i have to save up for an mp3 playrr ;___; *resists buying..resists..*
thats all for now -_-;