Dec 29, 2011 07:00

[[In order to ensure she catches up to the Professor and co. as soon as possible, Emmy has taken to travelling at night. This has usually failed to present any real issues, but tonight, as she heads to the route just outside Cherrygrove, she finds something that....well ( Read more... )

maes and his adorable puppy, ugh ugh ugh spiders ugh, normal luke yay, not cute tho

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eliciadaddy December 28 2011, 21:52:59 UTC
[ He's heard the shriek. But before he's got a chance to really respond, it seems like you've taken care of that problem all on your own... ]

Are you alright, miss?


snapandscoot December 28 2011, 22:10:14 UTC
[[The unfamiliar voice coming out of her Pokegear seems to help Emmy pull herself together, and she walks over to where it was dropped during her epic battle with the spider.]]

Ah, I'm fine. There was....just a spider, that's all, and I'm not really...fond of them.

[[...this is...really quite embarrassing, good lord.]]

I managed to knock it out, though!

[[...just. warily watching that hugeass spider, oh my godddd]]


eliciadaddy December 28 2011, 22:13:28 UTC
[ It's okay... he had a similar experience with a Rattata a little while ago that resulted in him running for his life... so uh... you actually did quite a good job there. ]

You did a great job! You should let your Pokemon help you, next time though. [ ... You do have Pokemon, right? ] They're better equipped to deal with other Pokemon. Plus, they'll gain experience while doing it, too!


snapandscoot December 28 2011, 22:19:01 UTC
Oh, I do have a Pokemon! I just...reacted through instinct before she could do anything....

[[Her Machop is currently facepalming in the corner of the feed. And the reason why she managed to do so well?]]

......is it......crying?

[[...the Spinarak is currently rubbing it's head and looking very weepy.]]

...the spider is crying.

[[Brb, sitting down. Because just....

...just, sitting down.]]

I don't know if I'll ever get used to this place.


eliciadaddy December 28 2011, 22:22:39 UTC
[ Sorry, he has to look away to laugh quietly for a minute. He's not making fun of you, really. ]

It is a lot to take in, isn't it?

You could always try capturing the Pokemon and taking care of it! It might come in useful later down the line.


snapandscoot December 28 2011, 22:28:32 UTC

[[O-Oh shush, orz]]

Capturing it....? I haven't actually tried catching a Pokemon, yet...

[[....whyyy did it have to be a spider, tho]]

...I do feel a little bad for kicking it so hard....


snapandscoot December 28 2011, 22:29:47 UTC

Oh, I'm sorry; I haven't introduced myself! How rude. I'm Emmy Altava, Professor Layton's assistant. Thankyou for your concern, Mr..?


eliciadaddy December 28 2011, 22:33:55 UTC
Hughes! But you can just call me Maes. It's nice to meet you, Emmy. [ ... Sorry, he's super-forward and likes making friends. You'll have to excuse him. ]

I believe most people carry 6 Pokemon with them at a time. So catching some more for yourself might come in helpful later down the line.

Though, if you're not a fan of spiders, maybe this one might not be a good first catch!


snapandscoot December 28 2011, 22:38:11 UTC
The pleasure is all mine!

[[Don't worry, Emmy loves meeting new people, particularly those as helpful as you! There is nothing to excuse.]]

This is rather embarrassing, but I'm not actually sure...how to go about catching it. Would you be able to give me a few hints, Maes?

Just some small hints, though; I do love figuring out a good puzzle!


eliciadaddy December 28 2011, 22:43:32 UTC
Well, do you remember how you received your first Pokemon?

[ His had been in a ball, but he's not sure if all of them came like that or if it's just a special Team Rocket thing. ]


snapandscoot December 28 2011, 22:45:13 UTC
Ah, she was in....this thing!

[[Rummaging in bag, pulling out....a Poke Ball!]]

So....does that mean I need another one of these balls for the spider?


eliciadaddy December 28 2011, 22:47:01 UTC
[ He's not answering yes or no, since you did say you liked puzzles, but he will say this much: ] You should've been given a few extra when you arrived here!


snapandscoot December 28 2011, 22:50:28 UTC
[[Oh this is so exciting so exciting brb more rummaging!]]

Aha, got one! Now, tell me if I'm doing something dreadfully wrong...but other than that, no hints!

[[....just. gingerly walking up to the sniffling spider]]

....oh goodness, how do I get it to go inside.....hello? Excuse me?

[[Maybe waving the ball at it will help!]]

Do you want to go inside?

[[...so much headtilt from dat spider]]

......I don't think it understands me.


eliciadaddy December 28 2011, 22:54:42 UTC
[ Oh! This is too cute. Give him a moment... ]

Maybe your Pokemon [ Whatever that thing is... Maes isn't too familiar with that species ] could help give you a hint~?


snapandscoot December 28 2011, 22:57:21 UTC

[[n-no she's not cute she's hardcore alskjda

this spiderrrrr]]

Machi, do you have any idea?

[[Machi is also extremely amused, and makes a throwing motion.]]

...I...throw it? You mean I hit it with this thing?




snapandscoot December 28 2011, 22:58:41 UTC

[[...oh god um maybe that was a bit too hard

i-it worked, at least??]]

...oh! I....the spider is gone, and the ball...it stopped moving!

....did I catch it, Maes?


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