Oct 18, 2005 15:48
so life is pretty much exhausting.....
BUT I FREAKIN LOVE IT!! haha seriously- i dont know how i am up and aboot!!! between the killer amounts of papers ive had to write these past few weeks and the killer amount of studying and reading ive had to do..... IM OUT!! haha outta control!! im so dern sleepy!! college sleep cycle = WHAT SLEEP CYCLE!! haha
so im sitting here with my pot of coffee (HAHAHA) attempting to finish one last paper, then class at 5:15..... AND THEN SLEEP!! ALL NIGHT LONG!! WAHOOOO!!! hehe outta control, i tell ya!!
IT WAS SO BEYOND BELIEF FREAKIN AMAAAZZING TO SEE YOU LIZZY.... SUMMER... AND MOM!!! seriously- this weekend could not have been any better!! i loved catching up with everyone, having such random and crazy nights- I LOVE HOW NOTHINGS CHANGED!!! haha ::enter lizzy stabbing fish story here:::, and ::enter summer pole-dancing story here (WHAT!!! hah):::!!!! hilarious!!! i love it.... AND I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! it seriously made my MONTH!!! yay!!
THANKSGIVING IS ONLY 37 DAYS AWAY!!! i absolutely cannot cannot cannot wait to see you all again!! it was amazing to talk to you lyze sweety, i didnt realize how much i have missed you all!!!
I LOVE YOU ALL WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL AND EVERYTHING I AM, FOREVER AND EVER AND ALWAYS!!!! feel free to write me guys- my po box is quite sad and empty!! haha
**you all are forever in my thoughts**
<3 Snanni <3