My idea of a good time

Jul 03, 2003 13:39

So I've just replanned my academic life, and it does indeed work. In three years from now I will have a B.A. in Philosophy and an B.S. in Biology (emphasis on ecology and evolution) from the University of Washington. And this is possible even with me going to China. Yippee!!

I'm soo excited. I've been looking at some of the upper level biology courses. I'm especially excited about taking Primate Socioecology and Evolutionary Perspectives on Sex and Gender Roles. Oooh. Maybe I'll even be able to sqeeze in Friday Harbor (basically a field laboratory on San Juan Island) or better yet, I can be a research apprentice there. It'd be a tight sqeeze, but it's possible. Ooh, this is soo exciting! There are still so many possibilites!

Summer 2003
Autumn 2003 (China)
Winter 2004 (China)
Spring 2004 (China)

Math 120
Math 124/144
Math 125/145

Phys 114 (4)
Phys 115 (4)
Anth 488 or equiv


Summer 2004
Autumn 2004
Winter 2005
Spring 2005

Chem 220
Chem 221
Bio 200
Bio 220

Phil 120
Bio 180
Genome 371
Zool 444

Phil 340
Phil 342
Bio 355 (3)

Bio 354 (3)
Phil 440


Summer 2005
Autumn 2005
Winter 2006
Spring 2006

Bio 356 (3)
Zool 408
Bio 472

Phil 459
Phil 481
Phil 410

Bio 476
Bio 473
Bio 477 (3)

Fish 450
Bio 486 (3)
Evol 414


Unfortunately my schedule is a little tight, but oh well.

Now, an explanation of classes!

Genome 371: Introduction to Genetics
Bio 354: Foundation in Evolution and Systematics
Bio 356: Foundations in Ecology
Bio 355: Foundations in Molecular Cell Biology
Zool 444: Entomology (might replace with Zool 430 Marine Ecology)
Fish 450: Salmonid Behavior
Bio 414: Molecular Evolution
Bio 486: Primate Socioecology
Bio 473: Adaptability of Human Populations
Bio 477: Evolutionary Perspectives on Sex and Gender Roles
Anth 458: Ethnobiology
Zool 408: Mechanism of Animal Behavior
Bio 472: Community Ecology
Bio 476: Conservation Biology

and Philosophy courses...

Phil 120: Intro to Logic (yuck!!)
Phil 340: History of Ancient Ethics
Phil 342: History of Modern Ethics
Phil 440: Ethics
Phil 459: Philosophy of Medicine
Phil 481: Philosophy of Biology
Phil 410: Social Philosophy

...not very well rounded, but oh well. It suits my needs and those classes with make me happy.

The open classes during my year in China will probably be filled with Chinese language, Chinese electives, and maybe some Bio requirements...I also have the possiblity of taking more classes over the summer to ease my work load during the school year. It's so flexible!
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