What to say?

Jun 10, 2009 10:02

So, it's already been discussed by better men than I, but boy was it ever hot at MoCCA. At some point, late Saturday afternoon, I think we all started to realize that the event had become a test of endurance. I was half expecting to get a button at the door as we left:

Still, if you could stand being locked in a sweaty, airless vault for 2 days -- it was a great show. For those of you I got to meet, it was awesome seeing you in person! For those of you I didn't, I probably tried to find you on the floor and got lost! I didn't get away from the table too much but I think I got lost every time I did. There was just so much to see... What? Where am I?

Anyhoo! We didn't sign up for a table next year, mainly because I think the heat exhaustion was weighing much too heavily to want to hand over a check (or attempt to comprehend, let alone fill out paperwork...) But, after having a couple of days to recoup and rehydrate, I'm feeling much more positive about the whole experience, I guess. I think we'd do it again if they move to a different venue or find a way to get some air circulation into the Armory. I'm not picky -- it doesn't have to be AC (which hearsay suggests might be prohibitively expensive). A few giant fans in key locations might do the trick.

And look how cute I was!

That's the sweater with the dangling strawberries my sisters-in-law brought back for me from Hong Kong. (I don't know why they saw dangling strawberries and immediately thought of me, but that's a question for another time.) And yes, it was boiling, but I was determined to wear that thing.

mocca, strawberry sweater

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