April poetry

Apr 03, 2010 10:15

Gone mad! Decided to do not only NaPoWriMo this month but also the April Poem A Day challenge at Poetic Asides (same deal, write a poem a day, this time to specific prompts) - regardless of First Stepson and three grand-daughters arriving tomorrow to stay a few days, and regardless of making public a whole 60 first drafts.

They will be on my Passionate Crone blog if you want to keep track; also at my personal MySpace blog, for the rare few who are my friends both there and here.

Truly dedicated fans can even join my Rosemary's Readers group and receive poems in their email inbox from time to time - a deluge of poems this month!

Done this morning's lot. Now off to continue making garage habitable for First Stepson - emptying boxes of books onto shelves at last; leaving space on floor for borrowed mattress....  The girls will be invading Spouse's office and he might migrate the iMac to the living room - or just use it when they're out at places like Wet n Wild and Dreamworld.

napowrimo, april poem-a-day challenge

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