Goodness, how can it be eight already?
Walking back from the shops this afternoon, I noticed I was happy ... for no special reason.
But I could find reasons.
- It was a beautiful day.
- There's a forecast of sunny for tomorrrow, so it should be a good market.
- I found enough stones on Kingscliff Beach to replenish the give-away gratitude rocks, of which I only had six left. (They go like the proverbial hot cakes.)
- Normally I choose pretty or interesting stones; today I had to take what I could get - and realised all stones are beautiful or interesting or both.
- WriterHubby's acupuncture treatment this morning stopped the pain in his legs.
- We've got chicken satay sticks for dinner, followed by cheesecake.
- I followed some links from people on twitter and heard/read some wonderful poetry online.
And so on and so on and so on. A good day!