Dec 23, 2004 11:59
If this looks familiar, you might have seen it under my old name, Byrdie. That LJ's still around, unfortunately I can't get into it any more so I've abandoned it. Hopefully this one will work out better.
The stories and artwork you will find herein are NOT for minors. Parents, please monitor your children's computer use. The Internet is not one big happy G-rated amusement park. It's a community with all kinds of people and places, many of which you should not venture into unless you're of legal age and have some idea as to what you're looking for. The Vulgar Python's Den is one such place, so consider yourself warned. Failure to supervise and take proper precautions to avoid exposure to anything you may find unsuitable or otherwise offensive is not my fault -- any more than getting run over by a car would be should you choose to ignore the traffic lights and jaywalk anyway.
THIS SITE CONTAINS SLASH. If you don't know what that means, come back when you're old enough to have figured it out. If you are old enough and have figured it out but decide you really don't like that sort of thing, please go elsewhere for your entertainment and we'll both be happy. Don't bother flaming me; I am Slytherin to the core and I promise you will NOT like the results. The last dunderhead to cross my path was hexed senseless and rendered into Potions ingredients, a fate I am certain you wish to avoid.
THIS SITE CONTAINS FAN FICTION. Others have created these wonderful characters and their magical world. They hold all the rights and are entitled to all the credit. I own nothing save my fantasies, which I freely share. There is no intent to do harm, merely to have fun.
COMING SOON! "Severus Snape And The Magic Bullet"