Howdy, y'all. I realized this morning that I hadn't posted since January, and figured perhaps I could call this a biannual update.
I did get a reasonable job. I went back to the hospital and I've been spending the last few months wrapping my head around the intricacies of caring for the body gone really, seriously bad. I decided to try my hand at critical care, and so far, so good. Every day I'm there I realize how much more I have to learn. I miss doing hospice work, but I am not missing the politics and silliness that went along with my previous job(s).
As you can see if you have been following
ringsnake's journal the kidlets are biiiig. We wish Betty had more words that were English, because the old grunt and point gets a bit old. I'm sure once she has more language we'll never get her to be quiet. Most days they are fun, but the last several, they've both been sick, and it seems to be traveling in a kids to parents vector. Fever, body aches (presumably, since they can't say "Mom, all my muscles hurt") If they feel like I feel now, it's no wonder they've been so whiny and clingy. Lillian had a nightmarish temper/sick/tantrum 2 nights ago when a friend of mine was visiting from out of town. Hi, meet my daughter, no I'm pretty sure she's not possessed.
Anywho, I'm going to go take a shower and see if that helps me feel better. The tea and ibuprofen were a good start...