Here's a pic of me. I was a little mad at Mom and she took a picture of me. That didn't make it any better tho. I can't even remember why I was mad. But anywho.... Life is boring as usual. Except I got to go to a christian bookstore with Jill and her parents the other day. I got the cd, MXPX-Pokinatcha. If you like fast punk rock (ska), I recommend the cd! Just for the hell of it I'll put another pic on here.
I love this one! I have it hanging in my room! It's also my wallpaper for my desktop!
Judd is coming to live here for 2 weeks! I'm so excited!! He's coming today. He's homeless and Mom's giving him a place to live until he can go somewhere else. The only thing is, we aren't allowed to tease Joleen and Cooper anymore :-(. But he can still make me do stupid things at least! Damn, I haven't seen him since my grandma got a new house, which was a while back. For those of you who don't know, Judd is my cousin (and my favorite relative). I'll probably be writing all about my 2 weeks with Judd for the next...well...2 weeks.
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