May 21, 2004 10:02
Fuck man Death is fuckin Brutal... What can I say but FUCK
At 11:47pm on Saturday 8th May 2004, I got a phone call from my cousin Jake (12 yrs old) saying that daddy had fallen over and the ambulance were there to help him... Mum and I drove right round there (only round the corner)... I got there and Jake run up to me saying dad's dead, his dead, mummy and daddy were making love and he fell over… Dad’s dead brookie...
I walked into the house up to the bedroom, it felt like I was walking the green fucking mile, I kid you not... There was Marcus lying on the floor purple in colour, Jenny (his wife) lying over him yelling, "wake-up this isn’t funny any more", "wake up Marcus". Mum looked at her little bro and broke down, I didn’t know what to do, so I sat next to him and stroked his head, so cold to touch, but he looked so peaceful...
The ambos said that they couldn’t revive him but they tried all they could, they thought it might of been a heart attack... They said they cant take his body away till the cops get there cuz it was now an investigation, as he was only 39 and a pro surfer (very fit)...
It turns out that we have a congenital heart problem in out family... first we fucking new bout it... they said it could happen to any of us... Fuck that, not me...
His funeral was on Friday the 14th May 2004, over 500 people showed up... I lost it that day... I couldn’t be strong anymore, I just kept thinking bout the kids (10 and 12 yrs old) and Jenny... I know what its like not to have a dad but now I know what its like to loose one... I lost the best dad, uncle, godfather I EVA could of wished for...
Marcus you are the fucking ultimate... You are a legend not just to me but to everyone you touched... I fucking love you Marcy...
I don’t know how I feel empathetic, angry, confused judgmental... Fuck I dunno...
And to you, you know who you are... How fucking dare you show your face at his funeral... You fucked up our lives and think you can claim to be his best mate, fuck you wanker... Don’t show your face around this family again...
To all you that think fucking up people’s life is worthwhile think again... Stop trying to be someone you will NEVA be and find you fucking self... Stop trying to bring people down and make their lives absolute hell just cuz you feel like that... You are lame and I feel sorry for you... Get a life not someone else’s...
Fuck that felt good to get that off my chest…
Life is too fucking short to let things past you by, just do it, don’t think about it, do it… Fuck those wankers that try to put you down, they are nothing and will always be nothing… Don’t put your head down to anyone…
I'm sorry I haven’t been in contact with anyone... Ness I promise I will call you, k...
Peace Niggas