Mun's Name: Mayalex
mayamali Contact Info: PM or mayamayamali on AIM
Other Characters: Veser, Randall, the Bakuras, Karkat
Name: Oogie Boogie
From: The Nightmare Before Christmas & Oogie's Revenge
Appearance: He's an eight-foot tall, walking burlap sack of creepy-crawlies, in the simpleist of terms -- specifically, thousands of bugs, two spiders, and a snake that serves as his tongue. Holes are cut in to represent a mouth and two eyes. In his casino, he glows neon green under blacklights. One would describe his shape to be like a starfish.
Age: He's pretty much ageless, but he has the mental maturity of a sadistic 12 year old.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Sadistic, abusive, and compulsive in practically every sense of the words, he loves to gamble, especially for others' lives -- even though he's really kind of bad at it and resorts to cheating to get what he wants. On that subject, he doesn't exactly have the best luck, either, and has an incredibly horrible memory, especially when it comes to things that have happened since being defeated by Jack twice; no doubt he'll ask who you are every time he sees you, even if you've met umpteen times. He also tends to fly into fits of rage when his plans don't work or he feels disrespected. It's easy to mistake him for the goofy failed villain at a glance, but people have underestimated him before... let's say it didn't end well. He does have some charismatic points to him, being able to convince the entire town to set up boobytraps while Jack is away, and has moments of cleverness; he replaces the brain of one of Jack's closest allies to brainwash him.
Backstory: No one quite knows where Oogie came from. A prequel game said he was once the leader of his own holiday, the long-forgotten Bug Day, but a lot of people tend to forgo this from his canon. Either way, he ended up in Halloween Town.
Because of his sadistic nature, which went against the other citizens' standings of scaring and not hurting, he was eventually exiled from the town itself and forced to dwell on the outskirts of town. He built his casino underground, and recruited his three henchmen Lock, Shock, and Barrel through fear to bring him his victims.
Eventually, he got wind of Jack's plan to take over Christmas, and ordered the three kids to bring Santa to him instead of Jack, with intent to torture Santa and eventually put him into a batch of Snake and Spider Stew (or, cannibalize). His plan failed, however, as both Sally and Jack found out what he was planning to do and stopped him.
But when Jack went away for a while at least a year afterwards, he was sewn back together and wasted no time in trying to claim Halloween Town for himself, going as far as changing the name to "Oogie Town". He then set work to kidnapping the leaders of the other six holidays, saving Santa for last because he had a personal vendetta. While he managed to get away with Santa's sleigh, he fell from it after being startled, thanks to a special "Halloween" present of Jack's an elf had hidden in it. He called nearby bugs to grow him to massive proportions, and he and Jack had one final stand-off. Naturally, Jack won, and Oogie fell apart, all of his bugs scattering in various directions.
Moral Standing: EVIL, VERY VERY EVIL even though he's kind of bad at it.
Dreams: Becoming the leader of Halloween Town, specifically, but he also wouldn't mind being in charge of all seven holidays.
Fears: Being unraveled. Again.
Extra: Oh, yeesh, there's a few:
1) He works as a hivemind -- he's made up of a whole crapload of different kinds of bugs, but there's one specific "master" bug in general that you would need to kill to truly beat him; however, it's nearly impossible to tell which one is the "master".
Powers include:
2) Shadow-manipulation; these range from projecting his shadow on a surface to manifesting a whole, corporeal shadow-self that can fight for him.
3) Command of bugs in general, as long as they're near him.
4) He rarely does this, but he can actually work like a giant vacuum under the right circumstances -- he's able to inhale and swallow things up to people-size and house them for a short time.
5) Should someone lose one of his games, he'll keep and torture the poor soul even beyond their deaths. It's highly hinted that he's a cannibal.
The Oogie Boogie Song -- pretty much a whole indicator of who he is, in general.
Writing Sample:
Dear Mun entry, complete with horrible on-the-spot song-writing.