Snakes! on a Gundam!

Apr 02, 2006 16:18


It's been a a looooong time since I've read or watched Gundam Wing, so forgive teh suckage.

Title: Snakes! on a Gundam!
Pairing, Fandom: Gundam Wing, Duo+Heero
Length: Short

Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the -

"Would you shut that shit off? I'm trying to concentrate." An irate voice penetrated the dark metal interior of Zero. Duo was still sore from the last time Heero had bested him in mock-combat, and had since taken to annoying the stoic pilot in any way possible.

"w0O0o0o is the baby losing his concentration?" Duo taunted him from his own cockpit, staticy voice transmited along the same channel as the ancient audio file he'd downloaded earlier.

"You wouldn't be laughing should my finger slip and blast you to pieces." Threats were pretty common between them, but seriously, a week alone in space with Duo was threatening to snap the last nerve of his sanity.

"Shucks, you know you can't live wi-what the hell is-", Heero heard the amusement fade from Duo's voice, replaced by surprise. "Holy shit! There are SNAKES IN MY GUNDAM!! They're fuc-" Static muffled a loud thumping sound. "-cking eating the wiring!"

Heero was as calm as always. What was the big deal about some snakes? "Shoot them."

"With what?! I left my gun on the station!" Duo was thumping them with the first thing that can come to hand. For the first time, he felt slightly clautrophobic as waves of green brown and black scales slithered from behind metal panels and grates.

Heero rolled his eyes. "Then get in your suit and eject."

Duo grabbed his bulky suit and helmet and flailed into them. He'd already been bitten a few times, but hey, it's just snake venom.
"Good idea! Come pick me up, I'm sick of these mother fucking snakes!"

Those were his last words. One snake of unknown species had pressed the shiny red button, activating the self-destruct sequence. Heero watched the silent explosion of red and yellow fire. Ah...peace., he thought.

The remaining three pilots agreed it was the best and worst prank of them all, never to be bestest.
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