Drinking coffee from the cup Verity gave me because it's the only one I haven't broke yet.

Mar 13, 2006 02:17

Work takes up a lot of time and isn't particularly interesting ... usually.

Saturday (long story short) I sprayed diet soda on this big pissed off Jamaican dude's clothes and narrowly avoided an ass-kicking of the mine variety.

Then I got a raise. (I doubt there was a link between the two.)

Yesterday, I'm wrestling a pallet of salt that weighs (40pounds x 7sacks x 9layers = 2,520 pounds) about a ton through the hardware department when a woman stops me with a question.
A statement really,"You work here (as apparently indicated by the copious amounts of my own sweat pouring rapidly from every inch of skin). Where are the parts for nightlights?"

"I don't even know what the fuck a parts of the nightlight is!"

Was the thing I said inside my head.

After which I politely located an associate from the hardware dept to assist her.

Later I get called over the speaker from whatever I was doing (sweating and lifting things mostly) to help out in layaway (sweating and lifting things). There's a girl over there who's kind of cute and flirty. She's the one who asked for me.

Between the aforementioned sweating and lifting, I get the whole "You don't talk much" "Do you have a girlfriend?" "Why not?"

Et cetera

Man, that axe body spray really is worth the $3.42 + tax!

Anyway, I get all this in between the phone calls she keeps getting from her jealous boyfriend (and the man does has a right to worry, believe me). Finally, she gets me alone a second to ask,"If I didn't have a bf would you date me?"

Truthfully, no. For so many reasons. But since there's no chance of me dating this chick and she's probably just trolling for compliments.

"Sure, I guess. You're ... uh ... highly dateable."

Could be the lie, could be I'm telling myself one. Either way, I feel dirty.

Maybe it's just all the sweat.

---> so_s
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