"C'mon, c'mon ... It's either one or the other." --- Gary Larson

Nov 17, 2005 12:01

Who : Me, Sean Duke Kelly (II or III ... sort of)
What : regurgitating, though not in the standard sense
When : Noonish
Where: Sitting at my desk, drinking from my 2nd favorite coffee cup (which is now my 1st I suppose)
Why : my journal entries are looking bare and boring

Sometimes it helps to get it all out, talk things over ...

Goddamn, fucking pop-ups! I swear to god I'd kill the stupid sonuvabitch that masterminded these little ad tools. I just started this stupid entry and I've had to it interrupted four times. Here's a thought, I'm boycotting companies that use these fuckers. I don't know how I'm going to implement that ban, but if I come up with a better idea, I'll write it out before I go online so I can finish a damn thought.

Hmmn ... that leads me to the non-linear thought progression expressed through the internet. As I recall, since you don't have to go from point A to Z (like with a book) you can just click any link to where you want to be. So, the pop-up ads really are geared towards people with a short attention span. The problem with them is they don't pop-up in a lull in thought so much as the middle to break your concentration and make you cancel out of them to get back to what you were doing.

Saying I'd kill the person responsible for pop-ups isn't right. I should have said, I'd like to kill the person responsible. To signify that I would take pleasure in the act but not that I'd necessarily do it. That way, in case anyone actually does kill him/her or (more likely) them, I would only be rhetorically suspectible ... suspect ... suspicious?

Hmmn ... since my rant on pop-ups started, they've stopped coming. Do you think they're listening? Probably planning some foul revenge. Likely, these annoying ads are just part of some evil AI's 56 step plan to the extinction or enslavement of all human life. Or the CIA is listening to my LJ rants.

Either way, this can only end in misery.


I totally didn't kill any IT Ad Programmers

I swear

For real
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