Feb 16, 2005 02:04
The script and story ideas for this project are still a little sketchy (we’re trying not to get bogged down by insignificant details), but it’s basically a reverse Mystery Men or The Specials ... a day in the life of incompetent super villains.
Description: gimped up crazy guy strapped into a wheelchair and straitjacket. Self-inflicted haircut from a pair of safety scissors. Obviously insane, yet charismatic (in that Hannibal lector kind of way). Faux European accent.
Powers/Abilities: None. Everyone (especially the team evil underlings) thinks Megalo is a genius super villain. In reality, he’s a crazy ex-used car salesman suffering from delusions of super villainy.
Background: Martin Manning (AKA “Megalo” Maniac) was a used car salesman and comic book fan … something had to give.
When a particularly stressful Super Savings Sale led to his nervous breakdown … an unusual series of events resulted in a mistaken identity and the accidental formation of the League of Nefarious Supremacy for Global Domination (another working title).
Now “Megalo” semi-secretly runs the L.N.S.D.G. from his padded cell at the Crazy Pines Home for the Criminally Maladjusted.
Qoute: “Long have I awaited the arrival of a truly worthy adversary. Now, at long last, do I recognize you as my most arched of nemesis … nemeses … nemesissis? … yes.”
“El Sewer”
Description: Filth encrusted biohazard suit, filth encrusted sewer utility belt, filth
Powers/Abilities: Gadgets and Gear (sewer utility belt, sewer mobile, sewer lair), Pets (Twin albino alligators, horde of trained rats and silverfish), Supplier/Fence (el Sewer can find or find a buyer for just about anything), multi-purpose shovel/sewer grate pry bar, battle staff.
Background: The tale of El Sewer is a tragic one, something about getting lost by his parents during a family vacation to Spain (or Mexico) and growing up in the sewers unable to speak the native language except for what few tourist phrases his father had taught him (add “el“ to any word you use and say it twice as slow and loud).
I’m still working on the rest.
Quote: “Yo no hablo espanol-o”
“The Addict”
Description: Filthy Hobo-fighter, soiled ragged clothes, greasy hair, blank vacant stare, crack pipe held in death grip
Powers/Abilities: Bezerker rage, resistance to anything short of elephant tranquilizers, concertina wire wrapped nail-bat, sell anything for $20.00
Background: a lot of bad decisions early on and for the entirety of his existence eventually led the being now known “The Addict” to be brought in for a 48 hour observation at the same mental ward as “Megalo”. Through a series of very real and scientific experiments, Doktor Maniac was able to transform a violent drug crazed psychopath into an … um … er … equally violent drug crazed psychopath.
Controlling “The Addict” is pretty much just a matter of promising him drugs and staying out of his way once you strip away the crack pipe.
Quote: “ …. ”