
May 05, 2009 10:19

Your Name/what you go by: Kia
AIM/E-mail/contact info - some way of reaching you: offered wing @ AIM, e-mail -
Your character's name (last, first): Sohma, Ayame
Series your character's from: Fruits Basket
Background info on your character: Thousands of years ago, God had a banquet with a bunch of animals and declared they would all be together ever and everything would be hunky-dory hell yes bonds.

Fastforward a bunch of years later to Japan, where there's a family known as Sohmas and they just so happen to have twelve members possessed by... the spirits of the animals from back then, AKA the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. All of them are ruled over by God's reincarnation, Akito, who needs a whole lot of therapy, and none of them are happy about it, but nothing changes until a girl named Tohru enters their lives and helps each member to grow and find happiness in her own way. But this isn't about Tohru, this is about THE KING-- I mean, Ayame.

Ayame is possessed by the spirit of the Snake, which means that (like the other Zodiac members), he turns into a snake when hugged by a member of the opposite sex or when he's sick or (not like the other Zodiac members) when the weather's too hot or too cold. Going by that, one would assume that Ayame suffers terribly.

... One would then meet Ayame and think that suffering terribly would be a character-building experience for him.

Ayame was raised by strict parents and had a younger brother Yuki (the Zodiac's Rat) that he never bothered getting close to or standing up for when he was put into isolation and made miserable-- at times, he even forgot he had a brother. He drove his parents nuts and focused instead on making himself into a blazing presence at school and hanging out with Hatori and Shigure, two more Zodiac members roughly the same age as he was-- together they were the Mabudachi trio! As popular as Ayame was with boys and girls, he never once stopped to consider other people's feelings and ended up hurting a girl very deeply during his stint as Student Body President during high school-- along with trampling the feelings of others because he was a self-centered egotistical brat.

HOWEVER. With age and relationships comes realization, and Ayame did eventually come to realize how cruel he'd been, and resolved to at least make it up to his brother for treating him like nothing! Since then, he's done his best to be an excellent big brother by doing things like inviting himself over with no warning whatsoever, demanding that Yuki submit to him, regale him with tales of his presidency (which also range from stringing up the whole campus with lights to saving a group of boys from being expelled by insisting that all carnal desires be directed towards him), crash a parent-teacher conference very fashionably, provide fashion assistance in general, and most of all, completely fail at getting Yuki to accept him as a loving big brother. Still, he tried, and they two now share a... semi-normal relationship, in which Ayame is forceful and ridiculous in his attempts to convey his brotherly love and Yuki endures it and occasionally they can reach some sort of understanding.

It should be mentioned that Ayame manages and works at his own shop, a store named... well, Ayame. He designs and makes clothes and there isn't a single design brought to him that he won't make and make magnificently. Of course, this is Ayame we're talking about, and the store mainly caters to romantic fantasies-- meaning maid and nurse and bunny outfits galore, along with the occasional wedding dress or goth loli outfit that have been ordered by... men. Yeah, he really does do anything, no matter how bizarre, and isn't above stitching embarrassing embroidery on people's clothing FOR THEIR LOVE MUST BE TANGIBLE.

In terms of his personality, think of the kindest, most selfless, generous, tactful person you can think of with the patience of Mother Teresa.

Then picture Ayame as the one person to drive the afore-mentioned person up the wall.

To put it bluntly, Ayame is a very overwhelming person, both in appearance (which is flamboyant) and personality (which is... also flamboyant). Though he's toned it down, he's still very much vain with a confidence that extends to the heavens. He can easily settle himself in anywhere and cheerfully demand to be served, all while radiating charisma. He's prone to either making eloquent sexual references or just completely making up elaborate stories about his background or anything in general. Although he tries to make a point, he often loses it in his admiration of himself and the very words he's speaking, and he's skilled at twisting words around to suit his own purposes. The only person he really listens to is Hatori, who is quiet and responsible and most of the things that Ayame's not.

As annoying as he can be, Ayame does possess good qualities. He acknowledges his own weaknesses, and strives to correct them when he realizes he's hurt someone because of them. His clothes-making stemmed from his insecurity; more specifically, it came from his desire to create something that wouldn't exist without him. His intentions are good when it comes to reconciling with the brother he once ignored, even if he often misses the mark, and he's been there to support Yuki when it's clear that he needs it. That Yuki even acknowledges him now makes him very happy. And it's not just Yuki-- in regards to anyone he cares about, Ayame is their advocate and supporter to the highest level he can (which is indeed high when it comes to him). He is indeed very charismatic and believes strongly in change, so he's always moving forward boldly-- this often involves meddling, sadly enough. With his type of personality, he can be very exhausting to hang around for long periods of time, but he really does mean well. He'll just brag about how well he means it forever.

In short, he speaks nonsense 99.9% of the time, but when it comes to it, he's more reliable than he looks.

ALSO ALTHOUGH HE IS INCREDIBLY FABULOUS AND GAY WITH SHIGURE, he has a girlfriend who is more than happy to put on maid outfits and work with him in the store, so hell yes be jealous.

Sample post: --!!!

Could it be-- no, though my royal eyes can hardly believe the sight stretched out before me like the magnificent boulevard of wide-eyed and wistful youth, I must accept this as reality! Very well, I do indeed accept it! Yuki! The day has finally arrived that you have acknowledged your brother's deep and unyielding love and have responded to it by arranging an island paradise for us to reaffirm our bond! I see, I see, truly it is a fitting setting that Gure-san's meager house would not be able to encompass quite as satisfactorily and completely.

... I must say, though, that the natives here are rather rude. But then again, no, perhaps their crude way of life has never allowed them to behold one such as I. If so, then I must first extend the hand of benevolence and reassure them that even a king will accept them!

Be not afraid, my simple and wondering friends! Come to my arms, I shall not shy from you! I choose not to evade, but to embrace!! Feel free to serve me and be at peace! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ah, but first I must locate my loving younger brother. I shall leave my gift of peaches among you and grant you the honor of being allowed to peel them for our celebratory feast.


A list of things your character might have on them after they got snatched up and put on this island:

- His clothes
- The outfit he was tailoring
- Peaches
- Sewing materials

ooc, app

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