Jun 06, 2007 01:49
I'm watching the Republican Debate at the moment... now before I continue let me say that I would probably feel the same way watching the Democratic debate and I'm not trying to comment on people's political views one way or another. But I'm watching this debate here, watching these guys here, and I'm looking at this wondering where the fucking debating is? Everyone is explaining their point of view but there isn't any actual 'debate' going on here as far as I can see. They aren't allowed to go at each other here. What the fuck? It's just a bunch of people standing around advertising themselves! Lets get a real fucking debate!
Earlier today I had a thought: How sad is it when the most interesting thing to watch on TV is a fucking Steven Segal movie? What the fuck?
I can't really think of anything else interesting to say right now. Blah.