
Jan 12, 2006 10:45

i don't know what the fuck is wrong with me but i feel like crap for no paticular reason. i don't get it at all. i didn't even ask jake if i could sell him the video card he sold me that didn't work. the weird thing thats happening here is that everyone i once liked i now hate and the ones i hated because they were preps or just stupid is the one's i like...i doesn't make any sence. and i'm typing realllly fast right now. i dont know but everything is comfusing the crap out of me and its scaring me to the point of not giving a crap about anything. thats what i feel now. i dont really care what happens long as it ends some time. i got to school early and wanting to just hold 'rei till i had to leave...that didn't happen. then i didn't get to really talk to much people either. and if i did talk to them there wasnt much to talk about. i feel as if ive lost all my good friends and new ones too. its not a good feeling really. my arms hurt. i just want to go fuck something up so it all blows up in my face so i know im in reallity because i don't really know if im alive or dead right now. i dont feel alive at all. if you're reading this thinking i'm going to kill myself...don't. i will never die on purpose. if i die from natural causes fuck i dont care but im not suicidal. well my brain hurts so ta.

someone different
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