this is how happy and excited i got after my SUPER SWEET SECRET LADY wrote back to me from valentines day. it was this super cool artist lady that i met one time when i was out, then blah blah blah, i havent seen her since, but i got ahold of the adress and sent a valentines card and she wrote back. FUCKYEAH!.. and uum. some older freinds of mine know her, so thats pretty cool too. i havnt updated in a while because some of the best pictures i have taken for a while did not get any comments (1 from a classmate) and i got sooo bummed out, and my other freind said that she didnt like livejournal so ... uuhm. and noone else is doing anything.
i guess this is just. um. you ahve to do it twice to be in the group and on my own one. thats kinda nuts.