Jan 17, 2007 20:56
yesterday I finally BOUGHT one of my favorite albums of all time. Paul Simon's Graceland (1986). I used to listen to it growing up when i lived with my mom, when i moved away I rarely heard it and sometime last spring I got caught up on it somehow, I was watching the royal tennenbaums and got stuck on "me and julio down in the schoolyard" (paul simon, paul simon, 1972) and i downloaded that song, then i was off onto a simon and garfunkel best of cd, whipped out my old "bridge over stormy water" on vinyl (which is a kinda boring cd but okay and stuff). And then I remembered graceland. I downloaded the whole cd because i was really poor at the time, but i promised to buy it someday, and yesterday i was in a used clothes store, and i was looking in a record bin (most of the time those stores only have shit, but lucky me) i find it, almost perfect condition, Graceland on vinyl. The cover is one of the ugliest record covers ever, but wtf, the music is great. .. i paid 4 dollars for it.