Jul 09, 2007 23:25
Prepare for emotional outburt in 3...2...1...
I'm so fucking sick of my life right now! I'm just tired of all this shit! And some of this might not seem like a big deal to some, but it's a big deal to me!
Issue One:
First and foremost are my living arrangements. This issue stresses me out to the point of bursting into tears at random intervals! My grandmother from Alberta has been visiting since the beginning of June and isn't leaving until at least August and for all I know is now staying longer. Now, she's a very unintrusive lady, but my mother gave her MY room and I am forced to share a room with my mom. Because of this, my mother has walked in on me changing and naked a NUMBER of times and not caring about my privacy. Because of this I can't have ANY time with Brint to take care of him properly because he's hidden in my bedroom. Because of this, I have nowhere that I can just be ALONE. This is very traumatizing to an only child who is used to her own personal space. If it's possible, I feel both smothered and utterly alone at the same time. I'm constantly surrounded by family that I do not relate to in the least and can never get away from the crowd.
Issue Two:
Because of my living arrangements, Kermit and I aren't clicking anymore. Now most people would say that this isn't a big deal, he's just a bird, whatever. What most people don't understand about me is that in times of stress, I turn to my animals for comfort. It used to be I could turn to Sushi, but she lives with Mike now and I can't have her because of Bazoo (mom's cat). But near the end of Mike and my relationship when I got Kermit, he and I were inseparable. He loved me, he gave me kisses, he was everything I needed to get through the rough patches.
Because of these living arrangements, Kermit is now showing nothing but hatred and aggression towards me. This is entirely my mother and my grandmother's fault! My mother would not allow me to have Kermit in my room (alot of good that would do now since I don't HAVE a room). At the apartment Kermit was in the bedroom and I could lie on the bed and let him lie with me or fly around or do whatever he wants. She INSISTED on having him in the living room around everyone like he's the "community household" fucking pet. Well he's not, he's MY bird. My fucking $500 bird. I clean him, I feed him, I take him out, I give him water! So my mother plays games with him that make him turn to aggressive tendencies and screaming, thinking it's a joke. I keep trying to explain to her that Green Cheeks are prone to aggression and he needs to remain trained, but she thinks it's funny to make him scream, bite me and display dominance. Then there's my grandmother. Every chance she gets, her face is at that cage, feeding him TOO MANY treats, giving him the shits, which I have to clean. But because all she does is feed him treats, he now loves HER and fucking hates me.
Today when I took him out, not only did he bite me, he attacked me! He fucking attacked me! He chased me, fluffed up, with his beak open and attacked me. So I started with his obedience training again, but because I now have to be stern mom instead of fun loving screamer or treat giver, he hates me! I maybe got through two steps of the obedience training before he took a huge chunk out of my thumb. And he kept on doing so! And my mother thinks it's funny. Let's see her fucking take those bites and we'll see who has the last laugh.
Issue Three:
Back to the Brint thing. I bought this Hognose very excited. He's not tame, does the usual displays of fake aggression that Hognoses do. But people have told me that they're easily handled. I haven't been able to handle Brint ONCE because of my Grandmother living in my room. Nobody in the household knows about Brint. I have to sneak him food. I have to sneak to clean his enclosure. And I'm just sick of it. I expected by now to be handling him, taking more pics, etc. But noooo.
Issue Four:
I'm so nervous about Montey! I've never had a snake lay eggs before. She layed them in a terra cota pot and is maternally incubating them. Because of this, I haven't seen her other than once and she looks so tiny. Not anorexic tiny, but just smaller than I'm used to. I don't want to disturb her just because I'm nervous, but at the same time, if I lose her I will be devastated. She was my first snake. I've had her for six years! I keep having horrible mental pictures about her dying, or not eating after the eggs hatch or SOMETHING going wrong. It's driving me nuts to not be able to handle her (which incidentally was also very therapeutic for me).
Issue Five:
Gimli isn't looking so hot. I can't explain it other than that. He's just not as Gimli-ish as he used to be. I'm hoping it's just my paranoia.
Issue Six:
I ordered Reptic-Plastic caging for my reptiles on April 4th. They still haven't arrived. I've already payed and he keeps claiming "they're coming this week". I'm not financially well off and it was a big decision for me to decide to go into debt and get $600 worth of caging to house all the snakes. I'm fine with paying that off but I don't even have the FUCKING CAGES yet! It's been THREE MONTHS! I'm thinking of putting a refund request through paypal and seeing if that speeds his frenchy ass up.
Issue Seven:
Living arrangements make me feel uncomfortable working out. I can't work out in my bedroom because I don't have one. I don't work out in view of other people so the living room is out. Once again, these living arrangements are proving to be more of an inconvenience than a blessing.
Ok I'm done for now, there's actually more but I don't feel like venting anymore. But long story short, the only thing going well in my life right now is the fact that I have a new job at Pet Valu. Boys Suck, Family Sucks, Pets Suck, Home Sucks, Weight Sucks, Finances Suck...life is just one big ball of SUCK right now...