Nov 28, 2005 11:50
As I'm suddenly feeling... well, not social, but... talkative, I suppose... A quick overview of recent events, the past two months or so.
*My birthday was in October. I don't think anyone has the exact date, and I prefer to keep it that way.
*I have a tattoo. Wings that span... most of my back, actually. I also actually have clothes you can see this in. Both thanks to my uncle.
*I'm leaving Hogwarts. As soon as I can find someplace to stay, in the Muggle world, preferably.
And... possibly the biggest news of all... I... I'm getting published. Actually published. A few of my short stories.
It's been a very good month, actually.
I'm sorry I haven't seen any of you lately. Mark, Elphie- can I come up there for a weekend? I miss Kiamo Ko. And you both, of course.