Sep 05, 2006 18:47
So I was just watching the news and they had a story about a new system that was developed by Israel to destroy incoming RPG's. When it under went tests it showed to be over 90% effective. RPG's are one of the main weapons used by insurgents against our toops in Irag and Afgahanistan. So it seems like a good idea to use this system on our vehicles right? Well apparently our army doesn't think so. The branch at the pentagon bought several of the systems to be deployed in Iraq for battle tests, but the U.S. army objected (our U.S. army!). They objected because they feel the system will be a threat to an already existing program to develope a similar system. However, the American made system would not be ready for deployment until at least 2011. A full 5 years from now instead of one. So the army is determined to block a plan that would save their own troops lifes in the near future in favor of their own program that will not be ready for at least 5 years. In a time where we are in two wars with two different countries it seems like our army is losing sight of what they should be doing - protecting the troops fighting for our country. I hope the army will come to its senses and realize that it is more important to protect the lives of our troops than to try to protect an army prgoram.