well we start with...ANOTHER AWESOME WATERFALL!
it was so cool u could walk behind it!
heheh i got soaking wet.
yet another waterfall...
then we went to this glacier.
it was so windy and misty that i couldn't open my eyes haha.
it was really dirty...lots of volcanic sand.
woot glacier ice!
drove down to this awesome black sand beach with some huge cliffs.
me and the guide climbed up this like vertical cliff all to get this one stupid picture of a puffin :)
this is one of my favorite pictures from the whole trip that I took from where we climbed up to.
it was a pretty stormy day...
again having problems keeping my eyes open...lol
old cave where vikings used to live.
this was like a big valley where the north american and european plates come together...and this was the euopean side...
and this was the much more spectacular american side :D
mom and dad where the old viking parliment was.
just some of the landscape.
lava field with snow in the background.
church mountain
awesome mountains above where we stayed.
arctic tern eggs...there was a huge turn colony and when u get close to them they fly up and dive bomb u and poop on you...so we had some fun with that.
there were tons of them.
mountains behind the colony.
and this is the absolute best picture from my trip. i took it as he was flying down to dive bomb me. its just an amazing picture.
and this one isn't that bad either.
after that we went to the beach and I waded in! it was so cold!!!
there were birds nesting all along the cliffs and we saw some whales off in the distance.
second place that we stayed at right on the ocean.
went over to an island on this huge boat.
snow bunting.
walking through the little town on the island and thats most of our group including the 90 year old guy!
heheh the sheep had one white baby and one brown baby :)
looking back toward the town.
the fulmars were nesting on the cliffs and they would fly right by to go to their nests.
fulmar sitting on her egg.
there was another tern colony and we found some babies! they were so cute!
another awesome picture that i took hanging over a cliff...
the beserker lava field! haha there was a cool story behind its name if ya want to hear it tell me sometime and ill tell ya.
and theres the icelandic name.
king of the world!
nice farm.
the dog climbed up on the picnic table looking for food...
strange looking rocks.
woot me all bundled up!
and thats all for now and yes i do have even more!!!