Cold Day, Hot Tub

Jul 13, 2004 19:24

~Pansy enters the girls room after dealing with the chickens and having omelets for breakfast.~

Hi Luna. I was just going in the hot tub. Care to join me?

~Pansy strips off her robes and changes into her swimsuit.~

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radish_roses July 13 2004, 16:35:17 UTC
~Luna brightens at the invitation~

Umm, sure! I'd love to, actually.

~she digs into her trunk for her swimsuit and quickly changes~


snake_charmer_ July 13 2004, 16:42:31 UTC
Great! You grab towels and I'll get us some drinks and snacks. ~smiles~ This is going to be so much fun. With everything going on, we haven't had much time together.


radish_roses July 13 2004, 16:53:13 UTC

Yes, that's true ... it has been a little bit crazy around here, hasn't it? I mean, what with Draco and Professor Snape and all ... I mean, it's good news, of course, but still ... it's tough for everyone, after all, having things so unsettled ...


snake_charmer_ July 13 2004, 17:02:22 UTC
~Pansy sighs contentedly as she slips into the hot water.~

It was quite a shock. It's a relief in some ways, but it complicates things incredibly as well. When I came to the house I was upset because my whole future was laid out for me, and now I'm upset because I have no idea what is to become of us after we get out of the house.

~sigh~ I guess I'm just never satisfied.


radish_roses July 13 2004, 17:04:52 UTC

... your whole life was planned? That's ... well ... kind of boring, don't you think?


snake_charmer_ July 13 2004, 17:08:05 UTC
~laughs ironically~

I think I was about three years old when my family and the Malfoys signed the betrothal contract. It was decided who I would marry, where I would live, what I would own...or not own as it turns out.

Yes, you're right. It was rather boring.


radish_roses July 13 2004, 17:10:49 UTC
~Luna is quite indignant~

But ... I can't believe that! I mean, they just planned your whole life for you without asking you first? That's crazy! Like the dark ages, or something that we'd learn about in History of Magic, you know?

~shakes head~

... that can't possibly be legal ...


snake_charmer_ July 13 2004, 17:21:54 UTC
~Pansy shrugs~

It must be. All of pureblood families have been arranging marriages...well...forever.


radish_roses July 13 2004, 17:32:06 UTC
Hrmm ... well ... maybe you're right ... I don't know ... it still doesn't seem right to me, you know?

~stretches absentmindedly~

... I know that Daddy would never do something like that to me, at any rate. He's always telling me that I need to see the world before I settle down ... not that "settling down" was really an option for me ... well, before Ronald, that is ... although we're not engaged or anything, you know, so it's not a problem ... I mean ... not that it would be a problem, you see, but ... well ... he's going to take Rolanda's job, you know ... so he'll be busy for a while, I expect ...

~turns to Pansy~

... but you and Draco are together, aren't you? So you can still get married, right? ... but on your terms, not your parents'?


snake_charmer_ July 13 2004, 17:37:57 UTC
~Pansy shrugs again~

I think we can still get married. We might still have to get married. ~sigh~ I don't know anything about anything anymore.

You and Ron are lucky. You picked each other. You always had a choice. You can do anything you want.


radish_roses July 13 2004, 17:42:03 UTC
... but so could you, Pansy. Really, you could. I mean, nothing is set in stone, after all ...


snake_charmer_ July 13 2004, 17:44:54 UTC
~Pansy shakes her head~

It's not that simple. Especially now that Sever--

You know, enough about my pampered life. Tell me what you and Ron have planned after you get out of the house.


radish_roses July 13 2004, 18:15:43 UTC

... well, I really think that there might be plenty of opportunities for you, Pansy, I mean if you really wanted to take control of your life ...

As for Ronald and I? We haven't planned anything, really. I mean, he's going to go to Hogwarts, and I sort of thought that maybe I'd look around Hogsmeade, see if I could get a job or something ... you know, so I could be nearby ... but I don't have to worry about that for a while yet, you know? So we haven't discussed it ...


snake_charmer_ July 13 2004, 18:28:39 UTC
Really? No plans at all? That surprises me. You two seem love. In the circles I grew up in, you don't see that many couples in love. It's special. You should make plans.

Sorry. I shouldn't be telling you what to do. ~laughs~ I'm the last person to be giving advice.


radish_roses July 13 2004, 18:35:59 UTC
... well, you and Draco are in love, aren't you? I mean, you certainly seem happy to be together, that's for sure.

~Luna looks at Pansy for a moment~

... do you really love him? Or are you just trying to make the best of a bad situation?


snake_charmer_ July 13 2004, 18:40:09 UTC
I love Before, when we were in school, I was making the best of a bad situation. But he's different now. I do love him.

What about you? Do you love Ron or are you just having fun?


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