Dec 09, 2004 10:51
So, I really don't write much...
But occasionally I feel like I have something to put down, so perhaps I'll try for a minute or two.
Last night was...interesting. I was at my workplace until almost 8 trying to get a co-workers car started. We tried everything from jumper cables to fuses and checking wires. It was most difficult because the only light we had was my headlights, and they don't shine down under his hood very well. Also, it was freezing cold, I had no jacket/coat, and I was getting wet from grease, oil, and whatever else was under his hood. I kept looking for the starter, but I knew it would be easier to find under the car. His car sits really low though, so I didn't want to get under it because i didn't even have anything to lay down on. Finally I had a trashbag, I just laid down on it, found his starter, tapped it a few times, and that of course fixed things. I could have saved myself a lot of time and trouble if I had just gone with my instinct and tried that first. Oh well.
So, life has been quite busy lately. I haven't called a lot of people that I probably should have. I'm sure by now, people think I don't want to talk to them anymore or something. That's not the case, I just...well, have been extremely hard-pressed for any time at all. There's work, school, the gym, and of course, eating; Those all keep getting in the way. Not to mention the homework from school, which has really got me down too. Hopefully tonight I can finish the last of it, and get on with my life. I meant to finish last night, but it didn't exactly work out as I was tired from the day.
I witnessed an accident yesterday right in front of my office. Some guy ran through a yield sign and plowed into oncoming traffic. The girl he hit tried to swerve around him, but he clipped her passenger side pretty good. Fortunately he did stop, about a block away. The best part was that some guy about my age went out there to help her, and by the end of it, I found out he got her number and a date. lol. If they like, got married, wouldn't that be the funniest way to meet someone? "Daddy, how'd you meet mommy?", "Oh, well she got into a wreck and I was looking for some ass and thought that if I went and helped some hottie who got in a wreck, that she might be just grateful enough to give it to me, and That's how you came into the world."
Anyhow, I know some people have good intentions, but the guys next door told me this guy really didn't.
So, I got to put the christmas tree up at work yesterday. Took me a long time though, and I don't think I did very well. I didn't get to hang the lights yet either, but I bet they'll be up today.
I guess you guys who know my cell phone number could call me. I'd love to get calls.
OH! I got a new monitor at home. The dell 1703FP. It's a Flatpanel with DVI input. I LOVE it. It's the coolest thing ever.
And I guess with that, I'm spent for now. much <3 to you few who might actually care about me, well, and for you guys who don't too :D