Attention! Must Read! Very Important Information:

Sep 23, 2005 00:26

My Dear Friends Of LJ,

I hate to make this annoucment, but this shall be the last update for me. I wanna thank each and everyone of you, for commenting, and taking your time out of your busy days to read my updates, & even takin' time to comment. No matter if it was a short "whats up" update, or something God laid on my heart to share. I wanna tell each and everyone of you, that I love you, and you all mean alot to me. You've been the greatest friends a guy could ever ask for, being there for me when I needed someone, praying for me, or comforting me in my times when I needed it the most.

What the heck?!?!? What am I saying? I can't let you all down and not update anymore.. the very important information is, the days of snairb, are coming to a short end. Once Again I have decided to make, yet again a new lj. I've know over the past 2 years I've been saying "friends only!" "friends only!", but the new lj, will mostly have "friends only" updates, except for a few. I feel that it's time to be more strict with this. I'm blocking all "non-user" comments as well. The reason why I haven't been updating lately is, I've been debating over this for weeks now, If I should just say goodbye to "livejournal", or If i should just make a new lj, or just make this one friends only. The decision is that I've making a new livejournal. I've got a name in mind, but I need your help to pick me a good name. I feel like since I'm growing up, and becoming more mature here lately, that it's time to make a new start in my life. If you have any opinons, on what my new lj name should be, please comment! I have already made a new lj, with a new name, but I might make a new one, as a different user name to use it! This Shall be the very last "real" update on snairb, until I make the annoucment of the new lj. Thanks For takin' time to read this!

I love y'all..

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