(no subject)

Jul 26, 2005 21:25

Some of us "claim" to be a christian, but do we live the lifestyle? Yes do "we" live the lifestyle? I'm not asking you how many times you go to church, cause going to church doesn't make you right with God! That's like me walking into Subway, and walking out as a sub, it doesnt work that way! You can go to church every sunday, and sit on a pew, and go through the motions, and even being inspired by "church", but does being inspired change you, it may move you, but does it actually change you?? You can "claim" to be a christian, but are you setting a example to you're lost friends?? Or are you out, cussing, drinking, smoking pot, blasting some 50 cent?? You think you can do that, and go to church, and you're still going to heaven?? I'm afarid not! Religion will get you no where, but when you establish a close relationship with God, that's what matters the most! Knowing God will do alot, that's sitting down, and just praying your guts out, talking to him, loving on him, telling him how wonderful he is, how mercyful he is? how great he is? How many times do you do that in a day, or shall I say in a week?? Most "christians" the only time they worship God is during church, or thats even the only time some of us read his word, and sadly, thats the only time we pray. Do you think God is really pleased with that??? You can take time out of you're day to watch tv, or take a nap, or anything, but how much time do you take out of your day for God?? Are you setting the example for your lost friends, or are you worrying about "fittin" in? You need to start worrying about pleasing you're God, instead of worrying about fitting in, for you're friends WILL NOT get you into heaven! Only God, and the forgivness, and knowing him will!! I'm sick of this.. I feel like it even make's god sick.. and it hurts him, just using him.. taking advantage of him.. and his forgivness! I know we are not perfect.. and won't be until we reach heaven, but I'm saying, going out, having sex, gettin' drunk, smoking pot.. which I call a "willingly sin", you know you're doing it, and you keep on doing it! We all make mistakes, but making the same mistake over, and over, and over is taking advantage of God's love and forgivness! Theres no half-way chrisitan, you can't be a sinner/christian, that's called "lukewarm", and lukewarm people isn't really pleasueful to God! This might upset you, but the truth hurts! You can't live in the world on second, and live in the church the next! Christianity isn't a religion, its a lifestyle, its a way of life.. Christian is "Christ-Like".. and doing these things are we actually being christ-like? Do we really take time out of our day, to just give thanks to our Lord God almighty for another day of life, and for his other blessings? What gets me, you tell someone you're blesssed, someone who is a christian, and they see "how's that??" and you tell them, and ask them if God has blessed them, and they say "I don't know??" Somethings wrong!! We need to start loving on God more, and just telling him how great he is.. He loved us enough, to send his son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to die on a cross for our sins! So we wouldn't have to spend a eternity in hell, If he wasn't for God, you wouldn't be alive, right now, each day is another chance for you to get right with him, or have another chance to just love on him, and talk to him, the one who has gave you life, the life you take advantage of, and you go around like a heathern, cussing & junk! He gave you life. a gift of life.. how do you use it for him?? I hope this wasn't confusing, cause it was all coming to me at one time, and if this has offended you, I can't appologize, because God has told me to update with this.. That is all for now!

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