Sorry for the really horrible before picture, but apparently even my phone recoiled in horror at the mess. I'm about a third of the way through and have filled a tub for Goodwill.
This is going away. A t shirt someone made me with the date I was struck by lightning. I'm putting it here so I can remember the date. In case you ever need to know - it is OK to give clothing that is not wearable to Goodwill, as they can sell the cloth and still make money. A former co-worker manages a donation center, so they are my charity of choice. It doesn't hurt that the donation center is basically across the street AND next door to a favorite BBQ restaurant!
Yesterday I helped my friend Viviana Rowe clean out her closets before moving to France. I have her 6 tubs of donations in my car, too. I think that gave me a little more incentive to tackle my mess.
I'll post a picture when I'm done. I'm taking an ice-cream break!
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