Yesterday evening, as a gale was gathering force outside, the electricity went off with a bang. Perhaps a falling tree had brought a line down. Having no light, no heating, no internet and no phone, we decided we might as well go to bed. We kept our clothes on, because it was so cold, and I felt glad that our various animals were all safe inside
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I was just going to ask via email whether your yellow crocus was now buried under a new layer of snow. Shame about the CFS being annoying. Is yours normally seasonal or just random?
Bunty seems quite the survivalist (Heath Robinson, Swiss Family Robinson, Hoffnung Orchestra, A-Team etc style)! Other than the amusement of seeing his work, is there anything stopping you from getting a camping stove (and other emergency gas or oil appliances)?
Our yellow crocus has completely disappeared. We suspect burglars.
Mine is largely seasonal. We're supposed to be taking a trip to Wales to see family in a couple of weeks, so here's hoping it eases up by then.
Heh, Bunty hoards candles and tinned food in case of apocalypse, but somehow never got round to picking up a camping stove. We're going to buy a bunch of camping equipment shortly, and maybe a generator. These electrical outages are becoming more common.
Which apocalypse is Bunty expecting - zombie, vampire, alien, Christian, Islamist, US gubmint/big-pharma/gun-toting revolutionary invasion? Or are his plans relatively general and applicable to most flavours of apocalypse? The most real danger is Global Warming combined with fossil fuel depletion and the collapse of those aspects of civilisation which are required for keeping the population reliably connected to an electricity supply.
I'm not sure which apocalypse, but zombies figure highly, along with atom bombs and climate change. He's now dead set on building a wind turbine, and has spent the morning googling for parts.
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