Dec 17, 2007 14:48
Ah damn...another semester over and done with. It is comforting to know that you have found your niche though and the fact that you may get your scholarship back. I hope I do, I have this feeling I am going to pull through with a good solid GPA this semester. I decided not to go back home for Winter Break and just stay here, yes I will be going home for Xmas but for the most part I am residing in Rock Hill. After all, it is my new home now, I just feel if I would go back to Myrtle Beach I woudl run into problems and people I do not wish to see or counter with anymore. I am over it.
I have almost completed my first night working as an SA and it is kinda know that I have stayed up from 1130 to 730 in the morning is an achievement. I sat around, talked to people on AIM, watched some of The Office, watched Edward Scissorhands, and have almost completed downloading WoW. I plan on going right to sleep after this though. I cannot wait.
Another interesting ordeal, is that I wanna dress in drag really bad. I have no clue why, it just looks fun and exciting...I hope to do that real soon.
So much is going on in my mind right now...thats it.