Mar 18, 2006 14:33

Ladylai and talk of a big pink fone made me think of a joke I heard the other day... Just... Might as well share it as I like it so---


So there's a Bishop touring the country looking into every church and checking it out. And he's going through England and Scotland, etc and he stops in the first church and it's all very nice and in the corner he sees a GOLDEN PHONE.

'What's that?' He asks with a grin.

'Ahh. The golden phone?' He priest of the church answers. 'Well, it's a direct line to God.'

'Gosh. Wow.' The bishop says. 'How much is it?'

'£20000,' he asnwers simply.

'That's quite expensive then isn't it?' The Bishop says with a sigh.

'Well, yeah,' the priest nods. 'But it is a direct line to God after all.'

Anyway, as this Bishop is going through the country he stops in every single church and the same thing happens in every single one. Same story-- A golden phone. £20000. A Direct line to God.

AND THEN the Bishop finally makes it into WALES and the first church he visits THERE IT IS... A big golden phone in the corner of the church.

'Direct line to God?' The Bishop says with a knowing nod.

'Yep,' the church Priest answers. 'That's the one.'

'I've seen them every where I've been,' the Bishop continues. 'It's always the same. £20000 for a direct line to God from a big Golden phone.'

'£20000?!?!' The Priest exclaims with a laugh. 'It's not £20000 here! More like 40p.'

'40p?? But... But...'

'Well yeah,' The priest laughs. 'After all, in Wales, a direct line to God is a local call.'


I'm easily amused aren't I?

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