Jan 31, 2005 21:56
I think I have the right to make an analogy about me and my computer being the equality of a crackhead and his crack. My computer to me is like crack to a crackhead, and this is what it must feel like to not have your crack! I'm shivering, although I have been using my mom's and sister's wireless internet laptop in my box. Yes a laptop in a box -- its awsome.
I find myself coming back to my livejournal to see if there's any comments, and I think my new pic up on the avatar is sexy ;-P -- yes I think I am sexy. If you comment: type 1 if you agree and type 2 if you dont.
We just started the weight room with some young teacher thats gonna record us in class -- BIG MISTAKE! Me and some of the boys are gonna plan to sabotage that...yeah...
I've been talking to alot of interesting people lately. But I like my balls so I won't go any further with this topic.