Just a quick note to let everyone know that sign-ups for Round 4 are now officially closed! Many thanks to everyone who sent in an application, and even more thanks to those of you who responded to my last post with offers to take on multiple swap partners. I really only expected two or three people to come forward, but instead we have more than 15 members from various countries offering to do double-swaps this round. You guys are the best!
Also, I know that we originally said we'd be emailing everyone around the 12th to let you know about your partners, but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to push that date back to the 14th.
_zerlina_ had to go out of town rather suddenly, and since I work full-time on weekdays I won't have a chance to really sit down with the member lists until Friday night or Saturday, but I promise that you will know who your partner is before the end of this weekend!
What this really means is please do not email me asking if you got in. I will reply to everyone personally, whether it's to give you your partner's info or let you know that you didn't make this round. Though, honestly, I don't think we're going to have to turn anyone down this round, which is very good news.
So, factoring in people who are doing double-swaps as two members, the final numbers are as follows:
USA - 72
Australia - 8
Canada - 15
Denmark - 5
Finland - 3
Germany - 1
Israel - 1
Japan - 3
Mexico - 2
New Zealand - 2
Norway - 5
Russia - 2
Singapore - 10
UK - 15
For those of you counting along at home, that's an even ratio of US members to non-US members! Much better than the 72 to 35 status we were at just a couple of days ago. :D
Thank you all for being so patient. I will be in touch with everyone very soon!