FL to NY

Mar 03, 2008 23:53

Okay so I got my package Valentine's Day week and sadly my package never made it to
zerlina but I guess that is the way of life.  I am going to send her  another one as soon as I get money, college makes life hard in that aspect. I really hate that she didn't get it, my first partner got her package so easily.

Anyways thank you to her for the wonderful snacks and sorry for being a seemingly horrible snackster but I have proof that I sent it out, it just never got there. :'(

Okay so I have a thousand other photos but I suck at life and can't get them to post so let me just say what was inside.

-Fully Loaded fudge (dried cherries not my thing but my roommate loved it!)
-Tamarind Juice (loved it have had it before)
-Strawberry Juice (amazingly strong but great mixed with OJ)
-Mango Juice (ditto the OJ thing)
-Rocky Road Candy bar (have yet to eat this)
-Maria Cookies (ditto above)
-Cherry Cordials (soo tasty)
- Random V-day candy (familiar and comforting I don't get valentine's) 
-Cinnamon Sweetie Bear Cookies (like Teddy Grahms only better by like 100x)

new york, florida

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