Aug 31, 2009 19:31
Sigh, it appears that every time we have some sort of strange weather crisis around here, people seem to want to act in the worst way possible instead of looking at the dangers that are present. I guess it's up to me to remedy that.
By this time, even the least observant of you may have noticed that we have had sudden change of temperature, namely that it has gotten very hot. Much like the flood that happened a few months ago, this heat has the potential to be extremely dangerous and even fatal if people do not take care of themselves! As far as I can best tell at this moment, and I am still researching all this, there are three main dangers that have come with this excessive heat. You should probably take note of this in case you need to remind yourself later when away from a terminal.
* Heat Exhaustion and Stroke! Heat in general can be a dangerous thing! Vulnerable people start to suffer from Heat Exhaustion when the temperature rises into the 30s Celsius. Generally, people start having trouble at above 45C. As far as I can tell, there are no thermometers here (note to self: try to see if I can make a rudimentary one later), but it's safe to say that it's hotter than that already. Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion include thirst, headaches, pallor, dizziness, nausea and in some cases vomiting. In severe cases, your heart rate will rise and you may feel a disorientation and confusion. Heat Stroke (also known as Sun Stroke) occurs when your body stops being able to regulate your temperature and it rises to above 42C. Other symptoms may include hallucinations, absence of sweating, rapid pulse, seizures, comas and even death. Yes, Heat Stroke can be fatal if not treated! Victims of Heat Stroke must be treated immediately to prevent permanent organ damage. To treat: the sufferer must be cooled! You should move them to a shady area, remove their clothing and fan them to promote sweating. Apply cool or tepid water (if you an find any) to their skin. Some People May Be More At Risk Than Others! Young children and the elderly are most susceptible! However, in this heat anyone even you, the one reading this, whoever you may be could very easily get it! I advise you to stay out of the direct sun and don't physically exert yourself more than necessary!
*Dehydration! Similar, but not the same as Heat Stroke, Dehydration occurs when you are losing H2O at a greater rate than you are taking it in. You routinely lose water by: breathing, sweating, eliminate waste, and just as humidified air leaves the body. With the heat, we're all sweating more, which means we are losing water at a greater rate! The initial symptoms of dehydration are thirst and decreased urine output (the urine will also become more yellow in color) As dehydration increases, more symptoms will appear, such as: dry mouth, decreased ability to make tears, decreased sweating, cramps, nausea and vomiting, and lightheadedness, even fainting. As your body struggles to maintain the amount of blood pumping through your body without enough fluid, your heart rate will increase to compensate. As time goes on, these coping mechanisms will fail and,if untreated, the victim may go into a coma and have organ damage. The only treatment for dehydration is the intake of liquid.
If I might take a small break from my list, well, and I'm not sure of this, but... With the heat rising, evaporation will also increase. It shouldn't mean anything, but...if this goes on for too long, we may be headed into a significant drought. We should think of preparing for it now by consolidating a water supply and setting up a system for giving it out. I mean, it might not, usually these things don't last very long... but it is something to consider. Those of you who are good at taking charge should take it in mind. In any case...
*Sunburn! Admittedly, this one seems less worrisome than the previous two, but do not be fooled. Sunburns can lead to melanomas and, what's more, can lead to symptoms such as fever that will cause you to lose water quickly, which is obviously something you want to avoid. Sunburns are accurately named, as they are burns to skin from exposure to UV radiation from the sun. These burns can be quiet painful and can last for weeks, though the most extreme pain will be felt in the first 6-48 hours. The skin can also blister and peel. Purgatory not being called a Pharmacy for a reason, sun burns may be difficult to treat here. Maybe one of the people with special abilities will be able to help, but I've never claimed to be an expert on that sort of thing. Therefore, I propose you focus on prevention. Staying out of direct sunlight is a good idea.
Since the Lower Level is completely shielded from the sun, I am and I recommend that all of you move down there for the time being. It will be safer down there.
It seems that Miss Sumeragi is gone.
lets try science you guys,
tldr ema jeez