(no subject)

Jun 18, 2004 12:37

la la la i am in a very good mood...this whole "say no to depression!" thing has really been working. and i am encouraged in all avenues of my life...i just really couldn't have things any better (well, okay thats not true but i'll pretend) and goddammit i need to be happy. so i am and its great. brynne, we should have a meeting and go over some techniques.

and swimming. my new love. or old love returned? well i am loving swimming regardless. yesterday, lee, read and josh went with me to my parents, and we had quite a chilling time. once we dried off, we grilled steaks and corn, which was mighty delicious. and seeing "supersize me" last night with sally and caitlan was great too. haha that movie is amazing.

wow, but wednesday!!! my dad played at the bluebird, and sally and caitlan were kick ass for going with me. we ate at ru sans, and edo was our waiter. i love that man. i almost want to hang out with him, but i know that our relationship should be a server/customer one and this could jeopardize that? he gave us lots of free food too. then the show. it was great, dad did a set of all his funny, carefree songs, because lately he has only been writing extremely depressing songs and shit, who needs to hear that? we then chilled with ms leslie and her homies, which was great and i wish they lived here the entire year...and then my night got insane and was filled with weird people who had twitches from too much ecstasy...and a roach crawled over my foot at one point while eating...goo...um anyways i didn't get home till 4:30, and i had to go in to work early yesterday, so that was real fun.

this weekend should be fantastic. today is my grandmother's 81st birthday, and we will be celebrating it tomorrow...and then the features are playing. sunday is read's 21st birthday, and then next week...don't even get me started. jonathan and lesley's wedding is next saturday, and yo la tengo is playing. i can't fucking wait. and i am babysitting for mack from SUPERCHUNK's brand new baby thursday and friday night!!!!!!!!!!!! the indie child inside of me in literally FREAKING OUT. everytime he has called, he sounds the same as on record. it is hilarious. and i get to babysit at their hotel, which happens to be the hermitage. i swear, could i be any luckier? SUPERCHUNK! YO LA TENGO!

it is beautiful outside and it was supposed to rain. i take this as a sign from the gods that i must swim.
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