Apr 25, 2004 23:13
another weekend come and gone. one weekend closer to summer.
my life has become busy. incredibly busy. in the midst of a shit load of school work, my social life has also increased and i am trying to juggle the two, but it is difficult. summer summer summer. i finished my research project on female mate selection and metrosexuals this week, and presented it (and another project) at the middle tennessee psychological assoc.'s conference on saturday. it went well, and the keynote speaker was a pretty famous psychologist who wrote my abnormal psych textbook! woohoo i actually was excited about this. however, i was so exhausted from the night before, which was INSANITY!
my parents went out of town (again) this weekend, leaving me to housesit for them. so naturally, i invited people over. we swam, drank, etc until 3, when brynne and johnny announce their access to a sauna. fuck yes. so a small group of us go to said sauna, sit in our underwear, smoke weed and sweat our asses off. at one point, johnny just kept putting water on the rocks, and the humidity was intense i tell ya. anyways, it felt very good and made me want a sauna. i didnt go to sleep till 5am, when i collapsed on my parent's bed without brushing my teeth (bad bad elise!). i get up at 10am, still drunk, and attempt to sober up for the aforementioned psychology conference. goddamn.
anyways, once the conference was over on saturday, i chilled with caitlan, smoked a blunt with taylor, andrew and christa, and then went with the boy to stereolab. this is where very bad things happen. such as NOT GETTING INTO THE SHOW AND HAVING MY FAKE ID TAKEN. that puppy had gotten me into so many shows in the past 6 years. and now it is part of the mercy lounge's fake id collection. the door guy was such an asshole, too, and really embarressed me, that fat bald ass face. fuck fuck fuck you mercy lounge.
boy and i were very bummed about this. we wiped our tears, ate at mellow mushroom with the lovely claire and stephanie as our co-waitresses, and then met up with caitlan to go see talib kweli. it was pretty fucking awesome,
we left, went to a party momentarily, and then some of us went back to my parent's, where i proceeded to play with a shot gun i found in my dad's closet. the boy took a roll of pictures that are hilarious. i can't believe my dad has a shot gun! i had no idea. but that gun is great. and i HATE guns. but i'm telling you. it is a beauty.
didnt get enough sleep again, woke up early to do more school shit. this is where the best part of the weekend occurs (well, a lot of good happened this weekend but this is definitely up there). i went with three of my classmates to a kurdish refugee family's home today for a class project, and it was honestly a life changing experience. the hardships these people have been through and the love they gave off were unbelievable. once again reminded me how petty my (and your) problems are in comparison to other's. we stayed there for a few hours and just talked the whole time, leaving me so affected that i felt high or something. its like something was turned on inside of me, listening to these people talk about escaping iran, moving to america, and the horrible horrible things that have been done to the kurds. damn. this doesn't give it justice. but i left with such a strong calling to work with refugees, something that i have been interested in for a few years now, after volunteering at the refugee resettlement program my senior year in high school.
anyways. my parents got back and we had dinner at la paz, and we had a great discussion about life and the world. i am very blessed to have such an honest, open relationship with my parents. they have been the best role models i could have asked for.
there is a movie that everyone should go see this week at the belcourt: the revolution will not be televised. caitlan and i saw it wednesday, and i think it is the best movie i have ever seen. it takes documentary to a level i have never experienced before, that's for sure. anyways, i think it is more than worth the $5, and you will learn a lot in the process. i'm definitely going again before it goes off.
okay. i must, repeat must do some reading so i can write a 15 page paper by thursday on celebrity worship in america.