Apr 18, 2004 20:22
i dont even feel like the same person anymore. no, much happier. lighter. not depressed for the first time in good knows how long. allows me to look outside my own problems and 1. enjoy life more and 2. examine other people's problems. which i'm getting quite good at, with all these psychology and sociology classes. speaking of which. i got elected vice president of the psychology club. and honestly i couldnt be happier. my life as a nerd continues.
received a kick ass mix tape. mmm tape much more good better great. even though my mix was on cd. tape would have been much better. american analog set is playing tonight, i hope it will be good. so many good shows; stereolab and mice parade is next saturday, tortoise is may 4, sebadoh is...soon? very good.
GODDAMN kill bill 2 was insanely amazing. went on friday and was very pleased. i went home and watched the first one. i love beautiful women kicking ass. the world would be a better place if more women kicked ass.
air conditioning is broken...very hot...the tyler swimming pool is open hooray.