(no subject)

Feb 01, 2006 12:09

uhh...george w. bush is in nashville right now. RIGHT NOW. my hatred for that man is as strong as anyone's, and the knowledge that he is IN MY FUCKING TOWN right now makes me want to...goddamn, it makes me want to do/say things that the NSA would probably trace, so i'm going to stop there.

fucking ass fucker fuck. he isn't even saying anything...he just spent ten minutes making jokes about the grand ole opry, then he just said "my job as president is to worry about threats. that isn't your job! there are lots of people in the government who worry about threats on your behalf. you just go about your day, your life, let me worry for you!" umm...so, basically, you don't want your country to be concerned, educated, or involved in the political process? how interesting! and now he is bashing fascism...this man is too fucking much.

i think a president telling his country to "not worry" about the world is a huge fucking insult. he should encourage everyone to be involved and invested in our country's activities and in world affairs. to tell us to "go about our days" and not think about the greater impacts of the world...i just don't get it! he is preaching to the stupidest, most numb people. either that or the richest people who have so much money that they don't have to think about all the wrong doings. no, let's just play golf instead.

"a child in iraq is as precious a life as a child in america". HE JUST SAID THAT!!! what the FUCK???? HE IS KILLING CHILDREN IN IRAQ EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!

and i love that all he likes to talk about is threats. and how threatened we are. but dude. no one has attacked us in 5 years. maybe we are threatened. but iraq was not a threat and i cannot believe that he keeps lying about that. i don't get this fear bullshit. the real threat to america is america. credit cards, oil, heating costs, health care, education, minimum wage, pollution, obesity, should i go on?

i hate this man. i fucking HATE THIS MAN what the fuck is wrong with our country...
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