***there is nsync related talk, possibly spoilers in some way or another I haven't thought of, cursing, numerous strong personal opinions, and a brief paragraph about my excitement over Britney, but if that doesn't bother you, then read on:
Today is Wednesday, which means tomorrow I get to see Britney *freaking* Spears, and I just realized that for those who are seeing her today, you probably are very near to where I am. But I digress. So, I tried to find a Britney-shirt, and I succeeded before trying it on and realizing that A. it is much more see through than I originally thought and B. unless I look like Britney, that is not a good thing. So, I gave up on that shirt and decided to shop like a madwoman tomorrow before the concert... if I have any time whatsoever. Yes.
Okay, so then I was thinking: Lance is sexy... and my thoughts all went downhill from there.
*lapse in coherency*
Back to thinking: *from here and on is where I talk about certain opinions that I know other people might not agree with, but don't say I didn't give ample warning*
I realized yet again that I need to pay more attention to descriptions of stories before I begin reading them. Why? I hate BDSM deeply, and I make significant efforts to avoid reading it if I think to check. BUT, I didn't think to pay attention this time, and ending up reading a story where Lance is sub. and JC is dom. which... no. Then it occured to me that JC is almost *always* dom in Basez BDSM, which kind of annoys me, and would annoy me more if I normally read any of that, because then I'd be aware of even MORE of that kind of characterization. Anyway, so I read the first half of the story before I realized this is *not* a story I want to read, but I had already read enough to be significantly disturbed. Yes, I am over 18, but I was still bothered. I just don't see how what JC was doing was at all loving or thoughtful or caring towards Lance. He just seemed like an ass, IMO. In ones where JC is less of an ass, I find Lance is such a freaking wimp it makes me sad for him. It's like the stories where Lance cries all day... no one else... just Lance. I mean FUCK that's annoying. To even it all out, I think there should be 100 more stories each of weepy!Chris/JC/Justin/Joey (EACH... and maybe some group ones where Lance doesn't weep, but he still isn't a block of emotionless stone, which is less annoying than weepy!lance, but sometimes bothersome when it is too often repeated) Anyway, right, back to BDSM ranting... JC kept telling Lance to do stuff he obviously wasn't comfortable doing (and I skipped the majority of it, but I read the ending to see if Lance dumped JC's sorry ass.... he didn't.) Lance did it, and I suppose he could of said "no"... but it seems eerily similar to abusive relationships, where SURE the one being abused could go to the cops or leave the significant other, but that doesn't mean they do, because it's partially a psychological thing, and sometimes there are various other factors preventing him/her from leaving. Anyway, this rant has helped cleanse my mind of that story.... *relieved sigh*
Okay, I feel better about that now... I should put some Britney on and blast it in preparation for tomorrow.. so I think I shall do just that.... dum de dum... there. I even added in a little nsync and bsb for the heck of it.
Speaking of which... I wonder when BSB's next CD (preferably new, rather than a compilation of various old songs) comes out...
I had a discussion with a friend about the death penalty because it was death penalty week last week (as in *anti* death penalty week, this is a Catholic college)... because of our discussion, we were discussing Hannibal Lector, and: Anthony Hopkins is a cool old guy. That is what I have concluded. Why? I never watched 'Silence of the Lambs' (baaaa!... Shh!) or the sequel, and I don't plan on it, because I like Andy and I don't want to see him evil... plus, I'm not into horror flicks much. So, on that note: YAY ANTHONY HOPKINS! (no, I do not want him sexually, I'm too young for that)
Yeah, I am REALLY not a fan of Alicia Keys. Sad that this is such a good remix and it is done by Justin, thereby forcing me to listen to this chick. GRRR. Yes, I liked "Falling" because it was a good song, but then she got so much popularity for ONE SONG and "A woman's worth" is an awful song, AND she already has more respect than Nsync, which utterly offends me, and she receieves Grammies and various other awards, and she acts like *OF COURSE* she won. Regardless of whether or not she deserves those awards (which is a matter of opinion I suppose, but I think she won more than she deserves. ONE SONG. Yes, she deserves something, but not the level she has gotten.), but like I was saying, regardless of how deserving she is, it'd be nice to see a little appreciation for kicking other artists' asses (who are also deserving on some level). I don't know her personally, I don't care to, but her celebrity-image needs work. Plus: ONE SONG. Grrrrr.
There. and the bitchiness shall take leave for a while. Back to a happy day of homework and packing. *dejected face*