Oct 07, 2011 23:48


Here is the recipe: clickity click click boom

turned out perfectly! I made my own buttermilk because it is easy and then used scallions from my CSA and Rogue River Blue Cheese and just make sure you don't overmix and it is PERFECTION.

Also made marinara:

No useful recipe link - basically, boil/skin tomatoes in about a minute or so, blend all except for two, simmer diced carrots, peppers, onion, garlic until fragrant, toss in the blend plus some red wine and dried oregano, wait a bit, chop up a bunch of fresh basil and the last two tomatoes, throw that in... simmer until it looks good... if you want it thicker, squeeze out more tomato juice beforehand or if too late, add in tomato paste as needed. salt pepper.... uh, parsley if you're into that... maybe other herbs. Go crazy, it's delicious. Oh some lemon juice is good too, just like a quarter of a lemon.

Anyway, there is no way I am saving money or time doing these projects, but they are delicious delicious projects all the same and I know the provenance of more of my food that way and it seems healthy for both the body and soul, so YAY :)

i love to eat

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