Sep 19, 2010 16:05

and you know what the worst is? That I live in a place where there is no good pizza available for delivery.

Don't get me wrong, Portland has OODLES of delicious delicious pizza. Just... not in my part of Portland. There are exactly three options (and no, I don't count shit like Little Caesar's or Pizza Hut, even if that was all I ever wanted as a child, because children have no ability to discern good from bad. I remember thinking cream cheese sandwiches were a good idea as a child, and I know people that were into butter sandwiches, so you know... kids don't know anything.) for delivery, and all of them are like ASH IN YOUR MOUTH. None would rate above a 5/10. :C

BUT ANYWAY, all I want right now is some nice delivery pizza, which I will order in about a minute even though my options are shit or shit, because shitty pizza is better than no pizza, but seriously. WHY IS THIS SO HARD.

I thought that if there was a need, the market would goddamn supply. WELL THERE IS A NEED FOR QUALITY PIZZA THAT DELIVERS OUT HERE, SOMEONE SHOULD GET TO SUPPLYING IT.

i love to eat

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