I'm just loving this season, I must say. I have doubts that I'll buy seasons 1-4, but I am giving serious consideration to purchasing this one once it's on dvd, due to its sheer awesomeness.
I mean, okay, it appears that they managed to stop the virus (FOR NOW) but you never really know with these zombie apocalypse issues. I've seen the movies. I know things. 28 Weeks Later made this PAINFULLY CLEAR even, as you never know when you've got some carrier running around (*cough*SAM*cough*)
Aaaaaanyway, as much as I'd like to dedicate this entire entry to the zombie apocalypse (and how), I have quite a few other things I'd like to address. For example, my sheer delight at the use of that Jen Titus song, and also that Pestilence is hella gross and I was concerned I'd have to stop watching if it got any grosser.
Yay for Bobby, I was wondering if he'd be smart enough to throw the whole "I want to walk" thing in there, but luckily it didn't matter because Crowley is apparently a nice guy - which, if we can all just take a moment to remember Ruby, seems suspicious and unlikely - but I'm going to go ahead and like him anyway, because even though she totally screwed Sam over in the end, I really liked Ruby too.
Um, so I am totally down with this Sam-the-sacrificial-lamb plot, for a number of reasons. Here, let me count the ways I love it:
1. this means a nice big focus on Sam, and as a Sam girl, I can always get behind that
2. Dean will angst and he will angst hard, which I also enjoy
3. redemption? :O
4. everything goes horribly wrong in that whatever it was Sam and Dean were trying to prevent happens HARDCORE and with a vengeance
5. I admit, it's a little cheesy thanks to Lord of the Rings, but something about people talking to their alternate personality in a mirror works for me. and by "people" I mean Sam. and by "alternate personality" I mean Lucifer.
6. I am really curious about where they are going with this. Okay, so either Sam is successful, in which case how are they coming back from that in season 6 (and omg, please do not permanently resign Sam to flashbacks and visions-only-Dean-can-see-because-he-is-grieving ala Smallville or I will actually claw out my own eyes and MAIL THEM TO YOU, WRITERS OF SUPERNATURAL), OR he is unsuccessful (I'm kind of banking on this one, sorry my reason #3) so that there's a point to Adam being all vessely, in which case I'd like to see how THAT goes down.
Well, that's only six reasons I love it, but six is plenty and I am sure I can come up with more later if necessary.