Feb 01, 2009 00:13
Alright my peeps - question tiiiiiime:
Is there any possible way to do one of those nifty introduction posts at the top of your journal without doing that annoying date-out-of-order b.s.? OR WAIT. If I post the "intro" post as "date out of order" will that cover my date-out-of-ordering needs fully?
Basically I just don't want to get a notice that my dates are out of order EVERY TIME I POST SOMETHING if I make an intro post.
But at the same time, I feel I need an intro post so people can stop thinking I'm being an asshole and trying to pick a fight just because I hate their kids. I ACTUALLY HATE EVERYONE'S KIDS. I AM NOT TRYING TO START A FIGHT OR BE A TROLL. I REALLY JUST THINK YOUR KIDS NEED TO STOP BEING MY PROBLEM. HOLY CHRIST.
But that's not my question, I already said my question. WHICH WAS:
I want an intro post without future posting hassle. Is this possible?
Okay. Thanks for any possible help, or thoughts of help, or help vibes. :D
whaaaaaiiiiiieeeeee meeeeeeeee,