
May 23, 2002 21:15

I have decided that anyone who does not believe that Oregon is the BEST place on Earth is nucking futs. What the fuck!

Also, the X-files series finale KICKED THE COLLECTIVE ASSES of all other shows ever. And even if it *technically* didn't, it should have and it did in spirit. I love that damn show, and now it is all over. I should just throw myself out a window and hope for the best, because there is no point to my life anymore.

Also also, I love my fingernail clipper so much. so very much. It is the nicest clipper ever.

Also also also, writing papers is the invention of the devil, but I have a temporary hiatus for a day, so I decided to counteract that by writing this longass journal entry. I am such a masochist sometimes.

People from the goodhappyplaceofloveandjollity (a.k.a. Portland) are visiting me up at school this weekend, which is a good thing. I have a stupid paper due on Tuesday that I haven't started, but so what else is new? Besides, I only need to write about 8 pages of it for Tuesday, and the rest sometimes after that day. So. Not as bad as some stuff. Unfortunately I have my plenary tomorrow. Yeah. I managed to skip last quarter's plenary due to a VERY necessary soundcheck and concert of Nsync's in Portland, but this time I am not so lucky. It should only be a few hours, but still.

I registered and picked out a room today/yesterday, and luckily I got the exact room I wanted with my roommate (it is bigger than the others, but most ppl don't know that AND I can still play my halloween prank of enacting a fake murder directly in front the window and throwing a body attached to a rope out the window and letting it dangle... ah the joys of living in a strangely shaped building!) and I also got into almost every class I wanted... Organic Chem, H. Science, Thought, and Literature. I just have to go discuss my Choir position with Doc and all will be well. Unfortunately the stupid webpage says I have to have permission first, even though I already have it. Whatever.

Hmm, I think I should get started on Aquinas and Umberto Eco and all that because then I can go to sleep early and be all annoyingly chipper tomorrow, yay!

That is all.

Except for one last remark: INSANE. SERIOUSLY INSANE! Portland is so damn cool, I can't even EXPRESS how great it is. Oh... well, there is definitely Canada to consider... maybe that is the SECOND happiest place on Earth, because it is Canada, and that should just explain everything, but Portland still rules all.

eves, oregon pwns you, me me me me

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