Awesome List of Awesome Recs. Awesome!

Aug 24, 2008 15:33

***still in editing process!!***

:D :D

For lavitaestbella

So I am pretty lazy and all about shortcuts, so I just went back to a bunch of my old rec posts and copy pasted and tried to throw in a slight amount of organizational skillz while I was at it XD but uh, I am pretty sure I forgot a few and I plan to add stuff as I find it/remember it. Maybe I will use this post as a giant recs place and from now on when I am Preaching the Gospel of David's Fanfic, I will just link people back here? Yes, maybe.

ANYWAY, FIC, YO, in no particular order as they are all awesome in different ways:

That's it, I am going to try to sort by author!


- Claused by
-Time of Your Life
- Gen, but really pre-slash, seriously: Fortunate Son; sequel: Above Water
- Mastermind
-Madrigals and Misadventures - an AU! with magic! and the song! and LOOOOOVE <3
- real forever if******* BEST STORY OF MY LIIIIIIFE************


- untiltled vampire story, more sort of WIP IDK if this story is done forever or not, but what there is is AMAZING OKAY.


- turn around, bright eyes but maybe it is called "probably making this up" I can't really tell which part was the title, doesn't matter, it is awesome.

- SUPER ANGST D: Never Been Kissed
- Muse
- requisite hooker!story, but good: Falling Is Like This WIP


-only 300 words, but 300 words of AWESOME: the one time nothing happened
- The Twenty-Third First
- Just an Ordinary Love Story (that's what we are) WIP


- Projection
- Bubble Wrap
- A World Unknown in which she explores how it might be if Archuleta was the older one and Cook was the younger one (SERIOUSLY, I WISH IT HAD BEEN THIS WAY... OR DO I? I LIKE YOUNGER ARCHULETA TOO... MAYBE WE NEED TWO OF THEM?)


- Okay, so this one is dark and dramatic and yeah it has some unsavory elements that have a tendency to ruin/emo up a story right quick, but I personally got into this story anyway. In fact, it intrigued me enough that I am considering buying the first season of "Dexter" and checking that out sometime. But the point is, this is the darkest story on my rec. list most likely: Monsters


- Seventeen

- Angsty!: Blindfolded


- take your armor off, you're not under attack
- last night I dreamed an emo kid loved me
- AU: scared but I wanted to
- but you were wide awake and dreaming
- pretend this love song's about you
- well I only (just for you)
- approximately the same kind and density, and the can-be-considered-a-sequel-or-a-standalone: dying to say this to you

- Inclination
- Unspoken

- Wake Up, Little Susie
-Portrait (a bit too Cook-loving for me, but all ya'll might like it anyway)


novelized (aka lifescript! Took me forever to discover this! XD)
- This Will All Make Sense Someday
-companion piece to "this will all make sense someday": hope still lingers on
- sooner surrender


- Gravity Rides Everything

-An AU: Seasons
-In which David is not so innocent: because I know you
-this is a series and so so so awesome I cannot express, in order of when she wrote it:
1. so ridiculous
2. a boy's heart
3. family
4. one more day
5. happily ever after
6. slow dancing
- sweet child of his *even though boomingvoice has stolen my vampire loving heart, I enjoyed this a lot*


- More Cook-focused, sort of gen: Let's Pretend We're in Antarctica
- Satellites


- Transition

- love, actually [or, six christmases]
- the carpal tunnel of love primarily because I am kind of a sucker for boyfriends punching people out because someone badmouthed their s.o. um, kind of a lot. cuz like, I think this is semi a character study of neal and less about the cookleta in some ways, but... PUNCHING. IN THE FACE. that's all I need.

everything moved here
- rock your gypsy soul
- and obviously the best pairing ever: David/David XD


There's a trillion drabbles out there based off of random itunes songs, like too many to try to go through, but if you get bored, trust me, they're out there... cookleta should probably make a tag just for that, actually

This one is good, but you'll have to save it for later because right now she has her journal on a temporary hiatus and so none of the links are working. BUT THEY WILL LATER! So: Surreptitious by iscaris

awesome, fanfic, flaily archuletaness, david archuleta rules us all

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