I'm spending too much time editing my facebook, especially given how few of people I actually care to talk to on that thing. All of... I think I am up to 5 now. Well. I also seriously doubt anyone else I care to hear from will add me. So.
Anyway, went out and bought Season 1 of Smallville on DVD to match my lovely Season 4. It was only 16 dollars, so I figured I could pay that, even though it has no Lois in it and might not be worth a WHOLE 16 dollars.
I watched the first disk with Krista so far, and it is pretty amusing when it isn't lame at least. Also, Lex is awesome. I watch this early stuff for him, clearly.
I need me some save me/heroic type of stuff right now. That's what I'm in the mood for. So I can get all squee-y.
P.S. Krista -- For Thursday, I am working from 12-6, so either you can meet me at my house for Smallville watchings, or you could pick me up after work. I don't mind either way, just let me know which you'd prefer based on what you have to do and what is convenient and all of that. Of course, I'm assuming you have nothing better to do on a Thursday than watch Lois-filled Smallville episodes with me, but well, so what.