So. The May vacation came and went, and its been a ride. Between minor mishaps, a kitchen door landing on top of me and the carcheckup I have plenty of cleanup and replanning to do in the next week. What I decide will impact the next few months, so I will have to carefully run through all possibilities. That having been said, having friends over, plenty of fun, a few good meetings plus a wonderful Warhammer deal have made the week work for me, not to mention a good amount of driving around with tanks shooting stuff from great distances. The Russian
BT-2 and
T-34 tanks are great favorites, zooming over the battlefield while toting around some very respectable firepower. I am a decent scout in heavy battles and a good main line tank in the smaller skirmishes - my ingame nick is 'Sna' for those who also feel inclined to try the game.
The main bad news is the car - Fred is going to take a little over a 1000 to repair now, and a 1000 more over the year to just keep her on the road, and that is beyond both her worth and what I am prepared to keep pumping into it. It is a tough dilemma tho - I was looking forward to a nice summer vacation but those funds will likely have to be at least partially channeled into a new car search in order to maintain reserves, especially with Lies' upcoming job hop. Even despite the accident with Prima I have always been able to jump up a class of car when I switched, but even with decent reserves a new car will be the same class or a little smaller then Fred now is. She is road worthy for a little under two more weeks, though I am going to minimize driving with her. Either I have a new car by then or I will likely decide to go without for a while in order to save up for the next 'big' car. Furthermore, any finance plan will have to be a little over a year or shorter as Lies and moi plan to start our new house search then and do not want to be burdened with additional debt when we start pleading for a new mortgage. Sucks.
Had a stagparty this weekend, which was fun but tiring. Lots of alpha males, but after kicking butt three out of four physical activities I think I got through it graciously - note to self: am appearently at least halfway decent with a crossbow. Bro organized it all and it went off without a hitch, so here is to him, and here is to him more for coming out to my place and helping me with the car search. Also big thanks to Kim and him driving me home after the stag party - had been driving myself all day due to being the BOB and I was knackered. Whisky tasting was interesting even though I could not participate.
This week will logically see most of my free time going to the car search - I have found a suitable candidate that I might be able to testdrive Wednesday. The rest of the week will be filled with some stuff for private projects, some tabletop roleplaying and sorting out stuff for not only my own upcoming battles with Simon fielding new Tomb Kings and Miriams verminous Skaven hordes, but also Lies' High Elf bout against Simon (as advisor) and Ricks very new Bretonnians taking on JW's vintage Empire army (where I will be reffing). Should be enough distraction. I hope.